Friday, May 1, 2009

Twubs: Wikipedia-Style Hubs for Twitter Hashtags


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via Mashable! by Jennifer Van Grove on 4/27/09

twubs-logoHashtags are all the rage. The single # symbol has come to represent a powerful way to track information, participate in conversations, share movements, and spread memes.

We recently documented 24 daily Twitter memes, each of which wouldn't be popular or possible without hashtags, but we know this is only scratching the surface. If you're looking for a better way to find, follow, or add context to hashtags, there's Twubs, a brand new site dedicated to making hashtags useful.

Twubs, or hashtag hubs, gives hashtag users the power to contribute their own photos, videos, and tweets, edit Twub information related to the hastag, and get a more comprehensive view of the stream of activity. Users can also search their favorite hashtags to view the latest tweets, Twitpics, and Twub (hashtag) contributors. They can also edit hashtag information to add a full name, description, logo/image, related links and feeds, and tags.


Twubs even has a meta-hashtag classification system. Meta-hashtags add an extra layer of complexity to tweets, but also might provide better context or create more focused conversations. So, the review movie meta-hashtag, #rm-(+movie name), is designed to solicit movie reviews, and any user could create the #rm hub for the movie that they want Twitterers to discuss.

The good and the bad of Twubs is that there's no official claiming of hashtags, so anyone can edit hashtag content. Of course, there's the potential to harness the power of the community for a well-rounded view of hashtag content. But, there's also the potential for abuse, especially if someone's not a fan of a particular brand or sponsored hashtag. Worst case scenario, a disgruntled user alters the hashtag content with crass language and tweets their followers to visit the Twub. Sure it can be changed pretty quickly, but it could still turn into a PR nightmare.

We definitely see the value in Twubs and think it provides an easy way for groups to rally around hashtags, and provides less hashtag savvy audiences a simple way to embrace trends and memes. We just hope it's used for good. Share your thoughts about Twubs in the comments.

More Hashtag Resources from Mashable

- Beyond #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Twitter Memes

- Sponsored Hashtags: A Brand Risk Worth Taking

- Hashtag Happy Hours: How Moms Party Down on Twitter

Tags: hashtags, twitter, twub


Things you can do from here:


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